Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Bonding with your child

Control your anger
Parents usually try to justify treating their children badly (shouting at them, insulting them and in some cases, even hitting them for their mistakes) by saying, "That's how I was raised and I turned out alright." This kind of defense is normally used by the angry and power-hungry adult. Only emotionally irresponsible adults act in this fashion.

Always be ready to listen
This is one of the most important skills that you need to hone, if you wish to build and then sustain a meaningful, healthy and happy relationship with your child. You can win the trust and love of your child forever if you just lend an empathetic ear to your child. Never assume that children feelings are less important than those of adults.

Prioritize the relationship
Reorganize your list of priorities. Make sure your relationship with your child is there at the top of the list. When a parent focuses on relating to the child on the basis of who he/she is, rather than on what he/she should be, the bond between the two is likely to be stronger.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Tips to have a fitter you

Breathe right!
Whether you are 80 or 20, breathing right is extremely important. It can prolong longevity, release stress and help you meditate. Our busy lifestyles have made us shallow breathers — the chest doesn't rise when you inhale and the stomach doesn't swell while exhaling, which is what happens when one breathes right. During exercise, follow this simple mantra of breathing —
exhale, when you are going against gravity and inhale, when you come back to gravity.

Drink enough water
Stay hydrated by having enough fluids. Also, one must take six small meals a day and ensure that the last meal is the lightest. Do not cut out carbs from your diet as these are important for the brain's functioning. Start your day with a high-carb diet such as salads and then as the day progresses, cut down on carbs and increase proteins.

Get an exercise routine
It is very important to follow some sort of fitness routine. It is not necessary to go to a gym and sweat it out, you could also opt for mild walks, dancing, hiking or whatever makes you happy. When you do this, learn to disconnect from the outer world and spend time with yourself. Make stretching a crucial part of your lifestyle.

Fitness Mantra

Health encompasses five dimensions of wellness - physical, physiological, psychological, emotional and spiritual. "Good health and fitness is not a fad. It is a prerequisite for a healthy life. One has to stop the constant chase for unrealistic goals that cause great harm to one's physical and mental health. These not only deteriorate the quality of our existence, but also lead to degeneration, disintegration and erosion. To counter this, one must begin to heal oneself with an integrated approach. Good nutrition, appropriate foods, regular moderate exercises, yoga, meditation and good rest are essential to remove all energy blocks

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Thought of the day

The young have aspirations that never come to pass, the old have reminiscences of what never happened

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

सात आश्चर्य

या जगात सगल्यांना माहित असलेले आश्चर्य:
) ईजिप्त pyramids
) आगरा ताज महल
) ग्रैंड canyon
) पनामा कालवा
) Empire स्टेट बिल्डिंग
) सैंट पीटर' बासिलिक
) चीन भिंत
पण वर्गात गुरुजीनी हा प्रश्न विचारला असता, एका चिमुकलिने वेगलेच उत्तर दिले.
तिच्या मते जगातील सात आश्चर्य खालिलप्रमाने होती:
) स्पर्श
) चव
) दृष्टी
) ऐकणे
) अनुभव घेणे
) हसने
) प्रेम करणे
ज्या गोष्टी अतिशय साध्या, सामान्य वाटतात, आपल्यात अणि आपल्या आजुबाजुला ज्या नेहमी इतस्ततः विखुरलेल्या असतात आणि ज्यांना आपण काहीच किंमत देत नाही त्याच जास्त सुंदर अणि मौल्यवान असतात.

Thought of the day

Hard times are like a washing machine,they twist,turn & knock us around, but in the end we come out... cleaner, brighter & better than before :-)